Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Legal Reasons For Gay Marriage - 889 Words
There are 1049 legal reasons why gay couples would want marital status to be recognized by the government. There are also 1049 rights intend for same-sex couples, these rights include: â€Å"hospital care choices for yourself and your partner; power of attorney for you and your partner; right to visit your partner in the ICU; rights to retirement plan decisions; rights to survivor benefits from social security, and the list continues.†(TPF Student Action). The US Supreme Court on June 26th, 2015 ruled that the US Constitution grant the right for same-sex couples to marry in all of the 50 states in the US. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy stated in the majority opinion: The court now holds that same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry. No longer may this liberty be denied to them.(CNN) There are many conservatives that are completely against the idea of gay marriage and they have stated that â€Å"they will fight to have the Supreme Court ruling overturne d.†Politicians with a Christian background stated that homosexuality is an â€Å"abomination to defend their religious arguments.†(CNN) A rule, the United States set up from the beginning, states that â€Å"separation needs to be made between religion and government.†With the controversy of gay marriage, lines begin to get blurred and religion starts to influence the government’s mind. The history of gay marriage extends over the course of decades. Denmark was the first, they started leading the way for the concept ofShow MoreRelatedWhy The Constitution Should Be Legal956 Words  | 4 Pagesdebate on whether the constitution should be changed to allow gays/lesbians legal status, whereby the partners are protected while in the institution of marriage is a heated debated which has been ongoing in many years. There are those states whereby the rights of gays/lesbians to have legal marriages have been recognized, but in most of the states their right to legal marriage have not been recognized. This essay looks at the reasons why the American constitution should be amended to ensure thatRead MoreGay marriage persuasive essay1663 Words  | 7 PagesGay Marriage in the United States The debate between whether gay marriage should be legalized or not has been a controversial topic recently. In the past twelve years, equal marriage rights have been legalized in 6 states of the U.S.. Eighteen states do not allow gay marriage and do not recognize civil unions. The other twenty six states allow civil unions, and some are debating legalizing gay marriage. Gay marriage should be legal across the United States. Not allowing gay marriage in any stateRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1288 Words  | 6 Pages Marriage is not precisely the same as it used to be interpreted. For example, women used to be their husband’s property. Sometimes the women were forced to marry whoever their parents wanted them to marry and most of the time they couldn’t leave the marriage. Nowadays women have more freedom. They can vote, they can run their own business, and they can marry whichever man they want to. The laws change as the people’s mind change. As they get more comfortable with the idea, they become more openRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legal? Essay911 Words  | 4 PagesShould gay marriage be legal? Gay marriage should be legal because as woman and man, all individuals have the same right in society; because same-sex couples can constitute a good based family; because it is just a way to make official a common union nowadays, even with the religious issue; because it is not related to polygamy; and because love matters and it does not differ in nature according to the sex of its object or the person who experiences it. The first reason why same sex marriageRead MoreEssay Gay Marriage Should Be Legal889 Words  | 4 PagesOn June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Should gay marriages really be allowed? Has the Supreme Court ruled in error? Gay marriage should be legal because all individuals have the same right in society; because same-sex couples can constitute a good based family; because it is just a way to make official a common union nowadays, even with the religious issue; because it is not related to polygamy; and because loveRead MoreLegalizing Gay Marriage Essays800 Words  | 4 PagesLegalizing Gay Marriage The battle over Gay marriage in the United States reached a fever pitch during the presidential election of 2004. The issue vaulted into prominence when the Democratic mayor of San Francisco flouted state law and performed marriage ceremonies for Gay couples. Conservatives claim that the issue catapulted them into power by motivating fundamentalist Christian voters to turnout in order to defeat anti-gay-marriage amendments in eleven states, includingRead MoreEssay about Lets Legalize Gay Marriage872 Words  | 4 PagesLet’s Legalize Gay Marriage Gay marriage is a right. Heterosexual couples are allowed to enjoy all the marriage benefits, so why shouldn’t same-sex couples be able to? Why should other people be able to choose who marries who? If a man and a woman get married, no one seems to care. Gay marriage should be legal because it’s an issue of equal rights, it would save society money, and it will increase the chances for foster children to be adopted into loving families. Same-sex marriage is an issueRead MoreGay Marriage: Why Should We Legalize It? Essay1284 Words  | 6 PagesGay Marriage: Why Should We Legalize It? Gay marriage tends to spark many different opinions in the hearts and minds of the citizens of this great nation. This political issue is usually one that would spark a heated debate between even the closest of friends. The subject description typically spurs intense hatred and anger, even. You would more than likely witness numerous signs picketing this issue whether it may be a revised Bible quote deeming it a sin or a sign decked out in the many colorsRead MoreWhy Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal Everywhere1415 Words  | 6 PagesWhy Same Sex Marriage Should be Legal Everywhere If two people are happy with one another, they should be allowed to be together. Someone’s sex does not determine whom they can and cannot marry. The only difference between what we consider a ‘normal’ marriage and a gay marriage is simply by the genitalia that we have and the gender we identify as. We need to stop focusing on the gender of couples and start focusing on the love that they share. Same sex marriage should be legal everywhere becauseRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1666 Words  | 7 Pages Marriage between same-sex couples continues to be a heated issue of debate in society today. Denying gay marriage affects gay and lesbian couples and lets people think that is acceptable to discriminate against them. Even though same-sex couples are not natural, people should be able to get married to whomever they want no matter the gender because you can’t invariably choose who you fall in love with and everyone should be equal and not disc riminated against. All over the nation gays are discriminated
Monday, December 16, 2019
Analysis Of Martin Luther King s I Have A Dream Speech...
A Primitive Action In Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream Speech, he states â€Å"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character†, this appeal to the emotions that judging based on a person’s race is wrong. For this reason altering affirmative action in higher education admission will be discussed since it creates a perpetual racial preference in admission. Affirmative action is controversial due to its issue of whether today’s generation should pay for the past injustices done to certain ethnicities. It questions the constitutionality of its existence and whether it perpetuates racial discrimination. Although affirmative action greatly promotes diversity and exposes diverse perspectives in an educational field, it’s time to realize its modern predicaments and visualize how to better progress on terms of admission for the future of the diversified generations of America. Thus, it is vital to address the reasons why prolonging affirmative action hinders the creation of better opportunities to those at a disadvantage. The dilemma of affirmative action is in defining equal opportunities, especially to ethnicities who historically felt injustice. The famous U.S landmark case Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), where Allan Bakke, a white man, was twice rejected by University of California Medical School at Davis, ruled that racial quotas â€Å"violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14thShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Martin Luther King ´s Speech: I Have a Dream1309 Words  | 6 Pagesthe late 1950’s through the 1960’s, however; Tricia Andryszewski informs her readers that Black Americans had been working for change since before the civil war, but mainly beyond. Some of the most prominent civil rights leaders include Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Philip Randolph, and Bayard Rustin. The two main goals of the civil rights activists being, equal rights and treatment for all races. As a result, the â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech was written by Martin Luther King, Jr., a manRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr s I Have A Dream Speech1480 Words  | 6 PagesRights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr s I Have A Dream speech was broadcasted across the nation and heard by millions of Americans on August 28, 1963. Throughout the decades, many have promoted the importance of racial equality in America. Leaders such as William J. Clinton, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush have contributed to modern social movements by, doing as Dr. King himself, giving speeches to varying audiences concerning the issue of racial inequality. Above all, Martin Luther King Jr made theRead MoreAnalysis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream Speech619 Words  | 3 Pages28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of the most famous speeches of all time to an audience of more than 200,000 civil rights supporters on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In his, â€Å"I have a dream†speech, King addressed his encouragement of white and black people working together to achieve racial peace and harmony. He especially wanted to teach the young blacks that equality could be gained through the use of non-violence. The main reason King used nonviolenceRead MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King s I Have A Dream Speech, And Patrick Henry s Speech852 Words  | 4 Pagesright to the pursuit of happiness; as well as providing jobs for the working citizens of America. Evidence of these claims are found in these four works: The Declaration of Independence, The Declaration of Sentiments, Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have A Dream†speech, and Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Virginia Convention. In the Declaration of Independence, created by 5 and signed by 56 delegates of the United States government, it is written â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are createdRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream Speech915 Words  | 4 Pages Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his I Have a Dream speech to the thousands of African Americans who had marched on Washington, D.C. at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. The date of the speech was August 28, 1963, but it is one that will live for generations. Of course his purpose was to convince his audience on several fronts: he sought to persuade the black community to stand up for the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and he also sought to Read MoreThe Fight for Freedom1312 Words  | 6 Pagesthe late 1950’s though the 1960’s, however; Tricia Andryszewski informs her readers that Black Americans had been working for change since before the civil war, but mainly beyond. Some of the most prominent civil rights leaders include Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Philip Randolph, and Bayard Rustin. The two main goals of the civil rights activists being, equal rights and treatment for all races. As a result, the â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech was written by Martin Luther King, Jr., a manRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King Jr.1046 Words  | 5 PagesRhetorical Analysis Essay Civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr. gave his memorable â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech while standing at the feet of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. His uplifting speech is one of the most admired during the civil rights era and arguably one of the best in American history. On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about the true American dream: equality. Although the video of his oral spectacle is powerful, the written document portrays exactly howRead MoreEssay on Critical Analysis of Martin Luther King, Jr.s Speech1674 Words  | 7 PagesCritical Analysis of Martin Luther King, Jr.s Speech Introduction In this critical analysis I am going to look at Martin Luther King, Jr and the I have a dream speech. Martin Luther King, Jr is very distinguished due to the many outstanding achievements he accomplished throughout his life. He was an American clergyman and he accomplished the Nobel Prize for one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement. Kings defiance to segregation andRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Martin Luther King s Speech1460 Words  | 6 PagesAs we have been discussing, rhetorical analysis asks us to look not only at what a text says, or the meaning of the text, but also at how that meaning is created in the text. For this assignment, I want to challenge you to not just analyze the â€Å"ethos, pathos, and logos†of a text, but to delve deeply into how the text moves us to identify with its message, and to think, feel, or act in a specific way. One of the reason why this text became the most popular text of our century. First of the speakerRead MoreCritical Analysis of I Have Dream838 Words  | 4 PagesMartin Luther King s I Have a Dream: Critical Thinking Analysis Charles Briscoe PRST 3301 16 October 2012 In Martin Luther King Jr. s seminal 1963 speech I Have a Dream, King uses a number of critical thinking processes in order to present his argument. On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, at the height of the Civil Rights Movement, King delivered a speech that is remembered now as one of the most significant pieces of oratory in the 20th century. His call was for blacks and whites
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Case Study of George Polaris for Pathophysiology - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCase Study of George Polaris for Pathophysiology. Answer: Introduction: COPD also called chronic obstructive disorder mainly occur when irritant enter the lung airways resulting in functional and structural changes in an individual and causing issues with respiratory procedures (Lainscak, et al., 2016). A proper treatment is important for such patients in order to help them overcome the root cause and also to properly handle his physiological systems which might get affected due to COPD (Adnot, 2014). A case study is provided on a patient called George Polaris who is also suffering from similar disorders. The assignments will first occur about the pathophysiology of the disorders and then the potential and actual harm he may face. Sequentially, it will also ponder upon the health teaching strategies that can be applied to make hi m literate about his health condition and take precautionary measures. Overview of the patient: The patient is a 62 year old man who was diagnosed in the hospital with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder. He was suffering from shortness of breath for many days and was ultimately hospitalized when he had shortness of breath along with fever and a productive cough. Besides, he also had a history of the gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). He had been a daily smoker for average 20 cigarettes from the very old age and does not have any drinking habits of any other allergies. His weight is also decreasing with only 65 kg for his height of 178 cms. Therefore the nurse should advice him with proper interventions and provides him with proper heath literacy so that he can develop better quality lives. Acute and potential health concern of the patients: The patient has a habit of excessive smoking and as a result it had severely affected his respiratory systems. He had been diagnosed with COP. The acute effects that such diseases have on an individual are airway inflammation, structural changes as well as muco-cilliary dysfunction. In the case of airway inflammation, the inhaled irritants by the patient cause different types of inflammatory cells to accumulate and in the process get activated (Lainscak, et al., 2016). They in turn initiate an inflammatory cascade which causes release of inflammatory mediators. They sustain the inflammatory process which lad to damage as well as systemic effects. These cause change in the structure of the lungs which causes perpetuation of airflow limitation. Secondly, it causes structural changes also known as airway remodeling which causes narrowing of the airways. The patient will also suffer form peri-bronchial fibrosis, build up of scar tissue and also of the over multiplication of the epithelia l cells lining in the airways (Rogers, 2014). Parenchyma destruction is associated with loss of lung elasticity. These mainly result from the destruction of the structures which help in the support as well as the feeding of the alveoli. Small airways lead to collapsing during the time of exhalation. Airflow is impeded, being trapped in the lungs and also causes reduction in lung capacity. Mucocilliary infection is yet another health concern that remains associated with the COPD (Lehto, 2014). Thirdly, it is also seen that smoking as well s inflammation cause enlargement of the mucous glands which are present in the lining of the airway walls of the lungs thee will result in goblet cell metaplasia. Healthy cells will be replaced by mucus secreting cells (Bouhlal, 2017). Moreover, this inflammation will also harm the mucociliary transport which is responsible for clearing mucus which will eventually accommodate and back them causing difficulty in breathing (Mitchell, 2015). Another potential health concern is the loss of rapid weight which is mainly the result of the occurrence of the CPD disorder. Two important factors have been depicted. Primarily, they have to use more energy to breathe than others (Teramoto, 2015). Moreover their bodies also use more energy for trying to perform different physiological function properly. Therefore the amount of food that they used to take before may not act sufficient when he is already being affected by the disorder. The calorie which is gathered form food is use up at a faster rate than before and weight loss is seen (Bouhlal, 2017). Secondly, another groups of researchers have stated that the inflammation of the lungs result the lung volume to get expanded in a way which reduce the amount of space between the lungs and the stomach (Lehto, 2014). When both the organs push against each others, it becomes an uncomfortable situation where the patient may find breathing even more difficult (McDonald, Gibson, Scott, Ba ines, Hensley, Pretto, 2014). This also discourages eating. As a result of these factors loss of weight is found in the patients who suffer from the disorder. Topics for client education: The first topic of the client education would be the ways of the cessation of the smoking habits of the patient so that COPD cannot lead to further destruction of the lungs with functional and structural damage of the lungs. Proper education of the patient with the different harmful effects of the cigarette smoking will help him to be aware of the different negative aspects that were associated with the smoking procedure (Lehto, 2014).. Making him aware of the pathway of harm of cigarette and tobacco irritant will make him more responsible and he will be more careful about his health (Tamura, Bell, Masaki, 2013). Once the nurse becomes successful in making the patient literate about his condition, she just needs to provide the correct procedures about how he can manage his smoking addictions (Teramoto, 2015). The inflammation of the lungs that occur due to irritants of cigarette smoke often leads to a series of secretion of inflammatory mediators and tissue damage, therefore the tis sues of the lungs can be protected from further damage is the patients reduces his smoking tendencies. The systemic effect will inevitably reduce and no airway remodeling will take place (McDonald, Gibson, Scott, Baines, Hensley, Pretto, 2014). Narrowing of the airways will eventually reduce and the symptoms of shortness of breath will also reduce. Moreover, the mucociliary dysfunction will eventually not take place and hence huge amount s mucous formation will reduce (Berndt, et al., 2014). The second topic of health education will be how to maintain a proper weight according to the BMI ration of height and weight. He is underweight and this had been mainly the effects of the COPD. Hence, a proper education about how to take maintained diet will help his body to maintain his requirement of the nutrients of the body (McDonald, Gibson, Scott, Baines, Hensley, Pretto, 2014). A proper diet will help to provide the correct amount of energy which will b required by the physiological functions of the body (McDonald et al., 2014). A total explanation of the entire process will help him to understand the side effects of the COPS and hence this will make him more careful in his diet chart (Tamura, Bell, Masaki, 2013). Strategies to provide health education for smoking cessation for George: As per the case study, it is seen that George Polaris is not literate about the harmful effects of smoking. Moreover he has developed this habit form very early age which shows the fact that proper education about health has not been inculcated in him. Therefore his procedure of self management plan should be very much simple so that he can easily follow the steps and at the same time can adhere to the program (de Melo Ghisi, Abdallah, Grace, Thomas, Oh, 2014). The first initiative of the smoking cessation plan would be to list down to him the main reasons for which the smoking habit of him should be controlled. The four important reasons that George should keep in mind is the improvement of health, lowering his risk of further intensification of the symptoms of the chronic obstructive disorders (Tamura, Bell, Masaki, 2013). The third one is not exposing the families and friends to any secondhand smoke and also to save money spent after affording the cigarettes. After clearly unde rstanding the four main reasons, he should make up his mind to finalize a quit day. For this the nurse would help him to pick a random date or a day which would be less stressful for him or a day which would hold special meaning for him for a particular reason. The date should be marked by him on the calendar (Lindson?Hawley Thompson, 2015). Many individuals state that gradually quitting smoking is helpful but however present day researchers have stated that there are evidences which suggest abrupt quitting of smoking like setting a quit date and thereby sticking to it results in successful long term quitting (McDonald et al., 2014). The next initiative that the nurse should take is preparation for the quit day. Research has shown that combination of medical treatments as well as behavioral counseling help in the improvement of the likelihood of successful quitting (Berndt, et al., 2014). The ways how to lessen cravings include nicotine replacement skin patch, lozenges, inhalers, gum and also nasal sprays. These treatments mainly start on quit day (Lawless, 2015). Providing the patient with proper support system is another important criterion that will help him to overcome the habit with gradual development their scoping skills (de Melo Ghisi, Abdallah, Grace, Thomas, Oh, 2014). The nurse should also teach the patient about how to use online apps and tools for creating and also implementing quit plan. The patients should be also taught to identify smoking triggers and also the habits. Identifying whether stress, smoking after meal, smoking or worse breaks and other trigger smoking so that proper decision can be taken for withdrawal (Lawless, 2015). Handling of the quit day is also very important where the nurse should provide him with a proper guideline list like the following (Berndt, et al., 2014). Staying quit- with the help of a proper quit smoking plan to help the patient in guiding him, the patient will have proper resources on which he had quit smoking. More the resources one has in place like nicotine replacement, support groups, medications, coaching, as well ad the proper healthcare advices, the patient will have a higher chance for overcoming the harmful effects of quitting (Lehto, 2014). The second healthcare education that the patient needs is about the proper management of his weight. This should be provided in one to one face to face meeting procedure so that the patient can provide concentration to certain important points. Hence the patient should be told about the importance of maintaining the correct weight according it his BMI. The main instructions and the advices he should be given are that rather than having two of three meals, he should eat five to six smaller meals in the day that is he should eat more frequently. Choosing nutrient rich food like whole-grain breads, pastas and cereals; fruits and vegetables; dairy products; lean protein sources; and nuts and seeds should be given as advice (Bouhlal, 2017). He should not have diet soda, coffee as well as other drinks. The patient should also make every bite count such as snacks on nuts, cheese, peanut butter an also have bedtime snacks for butter and jelly sandwich with vegetables and lean meat and cheese (Vincze, et al., 2017). The nurse should also provide a proper diet chart to the patient and ask him to top it off by adding extra for the dishes for addition of more calories (Bouhlal, 2017). Light exercises for strength training can also be taught to him to increase his appetite as well (Star, 2015). All these would be formed in to brochures and handed to him after the meeting. His schedule diet system should also be provided in chat so that it becomes easy for him to maintain. Face to face appointment with proper scheduling of the steps he would take would help him to understand the strategy that he needs to uptake successfully. Moreover providing him brochures will make things easier for him to understand. Also the nurse had prepared for weight management through regular and easy initiatives so that he does not face financial constraints at the same time can take part in the strategies effectively. Conclusion: The patient has developed COPD and has been suffering from shortness of breath, fever as well as productive cough. The main rationale that could be analyzed by the patient here is the long history of the patient being addicted to smoking and had a habit of taking 20 cigarettes per day. Hence, the patient should be first made to understand the pathophysiology of the harmful disorder in simple language to an extent which is possible for laymen to understand. Two main strategies that should be considered for further prevention would be quitting form the habit of smoking and increasing his body weight. Proper training methods like setting plans for quit smoke day, maintain a detailed procedure for food intake and a diet plan. All these are believed to help the patient to overcome the main causing factors of COPD and maintain his health with a proper quality life. Bibliography Adnot, S. (2014). Cell senescence and pathophysiology of chronic lung diseases: role in chronic structive pulmonary disease. Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de medecine , 659-671. Berndt, N., Bolman, C., Froelicher, E. S., Mudde, A., Candel, M., de Vries, H., et al. (2014). Effectiveness of a telephone delivered and a face-to-face delivered counseling intervention for smoking cessation in patients with coronary heart disease: a 6-month follow-up. Journal of behavioral medicine , 709-724. Bouhlal, S. M.-C. (2017). Identifying eating behavior phenotypes and their correlates: A novel direction toward improving weight management interventions. Appetite , 142-150. de Melo Ghisi, G. L., Abdallah, F., Grace, S. L., Thomas, S., Oh, P. (2014). A systematic review of patient education in cardiac patients: do they increase knowledge and promote health behavior change?.. Patient education and counseling, , 160-174. Lainscak, M., Schols, A., Farkas, J., Sulz, I., Themessl-Huber, M., Laviano, A., et al. (2016). Weight loss, food intake and mortality in hospitalized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):. the NutritionDay survey analysis . Lawless, M. H. (2015). Perceived stress and smoking-related behaviors and symptomatology in male and female smokers. Addictive behaviors , 80-83. Lehto, R. H. (2014). Patient views on smoking, lung cancer, and stigma: a focus group perspective. European Journal of oncology nursing , 316-322. Lindson?Hawley, N., Thompson, T. P. (2015). Motivational interviewing for smoking cessation. The Cochrane Library. McDonald, V., Gibson, P., Scott, H., Baines, P., Hensley, M., Pretto, J. . (2014). Obesity in COPD, how should it be managed?-The effect of weight loss and resistance training in obese COPD patients.. European Respiratory Journal , 3035. McDonald, V., Gibson, P., Scott, H., Baines, P., Hensley, M., Pretto, J., et al. (2014). Obesity in COPD, how should it be managed?-The effect of weight loss and resistance training in obese COPD patients. European Respiratory Journal , 3035. McDonald, V., Gibson, P., Scott, H., Baines, P., Hensley, M., Pretto, J., et al. (2014). Obesity in COPD, how should it be managed?-The effect of weight loss and resistance training in obese COPD patients. European Respiratory Journal , 3035. Mitchell, J. (2015). Pathophysiology of COPD: Part 1. Practice Nursing, , 172-178. Rogers, D. F. (2014). Mucus pathophysiology in COPD: differences to asthma, and pharmacotherapy.[Internet] 2000. Europe Pubmed General. Star, A. H. (2015). Perceived discrimination and favourable regard toward underweight, normal weight and obese eating disorder sufferers: implications for obesity and eating disorder population health campaigns. BMC obesity , 4. Tamura, B. K., Bell, C. L., Masaki, K. H. (2013). Factors associated with weight loss, low BMI, and malnutrition among nursing home patients: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association , 649-655. Tani, Y., Kondo, N., Takagi, D., Saito, M., Hikichi, H., Ojima, T. . (2015). Combined effects of eating alone and living alone on unhealthy dietary behaviors, obesity and underweight in older Japanese adults: . Results of the JAGES.Appetite , 1-8. Teramoto, S. I. (2015). A comprehensive assessment using COPD assessment test scoring and modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scoring is necessary for personalized therapy for COPD patients.. International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , 2203. Vincze, L., Rollo, M. E., Hutchesson, M. J., Burrows, T. L., MacDonald-Wicks, L., Blumfield, M., et al. (2017). A cross sectional study investigating weight management motivations, methods and perceived healthy eating and physical activity influences in women up to five years following childbirth. Midwifery .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Premarital Counseling
All married couples would wish the old adage, ‘and they lived happily ever after’ to come true; unfortunately, to over 50% of married couples, this remains that; a wish.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Premarital Counseling specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Behavioral researches confirm that, 50% of all marriages end up in divorce, an unfeigned but a deplorable fact. During the first days of marriage, everything might seem blissful until the reality sets in and the couples realize they have different likes and dislikes. Even if a couple appears to be a perfect pair, differences soon emerge and this worrying trend calls for resolute ‘treatment’. Just as an infectious disease will keep on recurring unless the proper immune system is developed, divorce will keep on occurring unless proper steps are taken to counter this unrelenting social thorn. Fortunately, research assures that, premarital counseling can cut down divorce rates by up to 30%, a significant percentage. Premarital counseling equips couples with invaluable information about what to expect in the uncertain world of marriage. Murray and Murray (2004) posit that, â€Å"Pre-marital counseling is a wonderful way to prepare†¦for your life together†¦a few sessions of counseling gives you a chance to look at what you want as a couple†(p. 14). Premarital counseling develops skills required for couples to stay together. Like a business, which requires a concrete plan and implementation strategy, marriage requires unhesitating plan and execution strategy to improve its chances of survival. Fortunately, premarital counseling offers the strategy together with its implementation criteria required for marriage prosperity. Six factors define premarital counseling as a valid tool of cutting down divorces. Setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound goals underlines the withstanding significance of premarital counseling in reducing divorce rates. Sharing common goals aligns couples in the same direction and the resultant unity reduces the frequency of conflicts that predate divorce. The other factors draw from the goal setting aspect, working in concert to ensure any feasible survival of marriage. Schumm and Denton (1979) warn that, â€Å"money is the biggest sole factor that causes couples to argue and fight†(p. 30). Fortunately, premarital counseling takes couples through a financial journey exploring pertinent issues like expenditure, savings, use of credits and so forth. With sufficient understanding on how to handle finances, couples can enjoy their marriage regardless of whether they have lots of money or peanuts.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Communication and conflict resolution is another critical yet neglected area in marriage. Premarital co unseling explores and emphasizes on the importance of communication and conflict resolution in marriage. Some couples assume the only way out of a conflict is to keep silent while others hold that, they have to win every argument to win a conflict. Nevertheless, premarital counseling rebuts all the misconceptions surrounding communication and conflict resolution in marriage and outlines amicable ways of handling the same. As aforementioned, first days in marriage may seem blissful; hoverer, the arrival of the first child might herald conflicts. To avoid this scenario, premarital counseling devotes enough time to explore the issue of children and parenting to save couples the pain of groping with marriage realities. Even though many couples often overlook the issue of spirituality, premarital counseling understands clearly how differing spiritual perception can tear apart a seemingly good marriage. Therefore, the counselors give insights concerning the same. Finally, premarital couns elors help couples to outline roles and expectations in marriage to avoid conflict of interest later in marriage. In the light of all these compelling premarital counseling elements, I personally concur premarital counseling can prevent divorce. Moreover, numbers do not lie, and research has confirmed that premarital counseling cuts down divorce rate by a whopping 30%; whopping because, if 50% of all marriages end up in divorce, then it means that 30% of the remaining 50% remain in marriage due to premarital counseling. References Murray, E., Murray, T. (2004). Solution-Focused Premarital Counseling: Helping Couples Build A Vision for their Marriage. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 2(6), 10-17. Schumm, W., Denton, W. (1979). Trends in Premarital Counseling. The Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy, 5(4), 23-32. This essay on Premarital Counseling was written and submitted by user Matilda Flores to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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